Butterfly Weed (Native)

Asclepias tuberosa Butterflyweed, Butterfly Weed, Butterfly Milkweed, Orange Milkweed, Pleurisy Root, Chigger Flower, Chiggerweed   Water Use: Low Light Requirement: Sun Soil Moisture: Dry, Moist CaCO3 Tolerance: Medium Drought Tolerance: High Soil requirement: Well-drained, dry, infertile sandy soils. Doesn’t like wet soils. Cannot compete with surface-rooted trees. Tolerates drought. Conditions Comments: Butterfly weed has an […]


Vitex agnus-castus Can be planted in a planter Roots are not a problem Fragrant leaves   Cultivars: ‘Silver Spire’ and ‘Alba’ white flowers ‘Rosea’ pink flowers ‘Shoal Creek’ purple blooms ‘Purpurea’ delicate lilac flowers   Prune for tree and multi-trunked tree Vase-shaped, drooping branches. Thorny. Breakage: resistant 10 to 15 feet tall and 15 to […]